Niche Site Project Update : Month 1


Well, I have been doing Amazon affiliate marketing for the past 3-4 years. Additionally, I manage the Mentorship Program and handle Niche and Keyword Research as well as website Audits at 

Recently, I had an idea to create a micro niche website from scratch and document my monthly progress with a step-by-step case study for my audience.

In this case study, I will walk you through the journey of building a micro niche website from scratch.

I will cover everything from selecting the niche, domain purchase, hosting, keyword research, content creation, and the achieved results.

Section 1: Niche Research

Niche: Whenever a new blogger/newbie comes to me and says, I want to start blogging, the 1st question I ask them is, What’s your niche? The reason I am asking this question is that it is the base for your website/blogging journey. 

If you select the wrong niche no matter how much you put effort and are passionate about blogging it will all go in vain.

What was my priority for selecting a Niche:

  • Evergreen Niche.
  • Personal Interest.
  • Previous Experience(Client Websites).
  • Good Affiliate.
  • It should Micro Niche.

Personal interest: A topic or subject that personally interests and motivates an individual to create content or work within that field.

Evergreen niche: A niche that is always in demand and has a consistent audience, regardless of changing trends or seasons.

Previous experience (client websites): Previous experience in creating websites or working with clients to develop websites can provide valuable insights and skills for selecting a niche.

Good Affiliate: A niche that offers the potential for profitable affiliate marketing partnerships with reputable companies or products.

High Conversion: A niche with high conversion rates has a higher likelihood of generating sales or engagement with audiences.

Micro-niche: A specialized and focused niche with a narrow target audience, allowing for specific and targeted content creation and marketing efforts.

So I chose a micro-niche that has an evergreen potential of 3%. This means that the niche has a small but dedicated audience, and the content can remain relevant and valuable for a long time. 

By selecting an evergreen niche, we aim to create content that can generate traffic and revenue consistently over the years. 

Section 2: Keyword Research:

Keyword research is the backbone of any successful affiliate website, and I take it seriously.

That’s why I keep the following points in mind when conducting our research, to ensure I target the most effective keywords for our site:

  • I used various tools, such as KeywordsCloud, Semrush, and manual research
  • I aimed to find low-difficulty keywords that had a high potential to rank on search engine result pages (SERPs). 
  • I also used the KGR (Keyword Golden Ratio) method to find keywords with low competition and a decent search volume.

Section 3: Domain And Hosting

Domain Name: I choose an exact match domain name that closely matches the primary keyword of our niche. An exact match domain can help with SEO and make it easier for visitors to remember the website address.

I bought the domain from Namecheap on March 16th, and we had the following expectations for the first month.

Hosting Purchase: I have a Hostinger Enterprise account, so there is no need for a new account, just add a domain to Hostinger.

But wait, there is good news for you:

As a bonus, I am excited to offer you a special deal that includes $500 worth of resources. 

You just need to buy hosting from hostinger Using my affiliate links, We will set up an Amazon affiliate website for free. including premium themes and plugins.

Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to boost your website’s success. Act fast and grab this offer now!

Section 4: Expectations

After selecting the niche and domain name, I had specific expectations for the first month of the micro niche website. Here are the details:

  • Published Articles: Our first-month goal was to publish 20 articles on the website. I planned to cover various topics related to our niche to provide value to our audience and attract more traffic.
  • Traffic: I expected to receive 5-10 visitors per day in the first month. 
  • Outreach: I did not expect to receive any outreach in the first month.
  • Social Presence: I aimed to post daily on our social media profiles to increase our online presence and attract more visitors to the website.

Section 5: Website Setup:

After purchasing the domain, here are some points that I need to keep in mind: 

  • I Used hosting from Hostinger( We Already have an Enterprise account)
  • I Installed the Kedence theme on WordPress. 
  • I also installed several plugins for further optimization, such as 

                              1) Azon Press, 

                              2) Rankmath, 

                              3) EWWW Image Optimize,

                              4) Backup Guard, Elementor, 

                              5) WP Form, 

                              6) WP Rocket.

I designed the website and integrated it with Google Search Console and Google Analytics to track our website’s performance and monitor its health.

As a newbie Sometimes you may not be aware of how to set up google search console and google analytics so here is the complete tutorial.


Section 6: Content Creation:

Creating high-quality content is essential for the success of any website. In fact, the content you produce can make or break your website’s ranking. Roughly 50% of your website’s ranking depends on the quality and relevance of its content. 

So, it’s critical to invest time and effort in creating engaging and informative content that resonates with your audience and boosts your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) performance. Remember, your content is the voice of your brand, and it’s the primary way you communicate with your Visitor.

  • I have 3 content writers with knowledge of the specific niche that I choose.
  • I used an AI-powered content writing tool to create our content and optimized it for SEO using Neuron. Grab AI Tools Offer

“Content is king, but SEO is its queen, and together they rule the kingdom of digital marketing.” – Mariya Moeva

  • My main goal is to write content according to user intent. I am not focusing on quantity, I am focused on quality and solving the specific issue in content that users love.
  • I aimed to write engaging content that covers all topics along with beautiful images and the use of relevant or LSI keywords.
  • I published our first article on March 25th and continued to publish articles throughout the month to achieve our target of 20 articles.

Section 7: Achievements: Results After 1st Month

Despite falling short of our traffic expectations, I achieved the following goals in the first month:


  • Published 20 articles as planned.
  • As I mentioned above that I don’t expect to get links but here is our smartness (emoji) I obtained three backlinks from authority websites.
  • Getting 2-3 visitors per day.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics
Google Search Console
  • One of the huge parts of our achievement is that 1 target keyword is ranking on the first page of Google and 16 keywords are top 50 and 20 keywords are in the top 100,
Ahref SS
  • I am posting content on social media on a daily basis that creates a huge impact on our ranking.

(Note: Please note that we also offer keyword research, niche research, and content creation services. If you are interested in availing of these services, please feel free to contact us)

Section 8: Next Month’s Plan:

For the next month, our goals are: 

  • Content Creation: I will publish 25-30 informational articles with product recommendations. 
  • Social Presence: I also planned to continue posting daily on our social media profiles
  • Web stories: I am also planned to add web stories in every article.
  • Infographics: Add infographics.
  • Ranking: I aimed to rank at least 10 articles on the top three positions of SERPs.

Final Thoughts

Building a micro-niche website from scratch requires a lot of effort and patience.

In this case study, we saw how the team was able to achieve their initial goals within the first month, which exceeded their expectations. 

By incorporating various SEO strategies, i was able to rank some keywords on the first page of Google and gain backlinks from authority sites. With a plan to publish more articles and improve the website’s functionality and content, the team hopes to continue growing its website in the future.

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