AI Niche Site 2 Update: Month 3

Here is the third-month case study of the niche site 2 website. If you missed out on 1st and 2nd-month case studies, quickly check Case Study Month One & Case Study Month Two

Exciting news has unfolded in our digital journey, as our website achieves the remarkable feat of publishing 500 articles while successfully indexing over 450 pages on Google.

In just one month, our efforts to build a strong online presence and connect with our audience have made some really impressive progress!

I focused on social platforms like mentioning all themes for diversification and a strong signal to Google for quick indexing, as the indexing process was slow.

Slow down content creation and rather now I am more focused on content optimization and updation. Our main strategy driver has been automated content publication, allowing us to consistently release five articles per day. Additionally, we’ve expanded our content outreach through web stories using Story Scrapper, moving from basic keyword links to more contextually enriched connections.

When I was on Quora, I found that getting involved was the way to go. I asked questions, left comments, and gave props to the really good answers. This not only made the conversations better but also showed everyone that we knew our stuff. It was a win-win!

Transitioning from automated pin generation, I embraced a manual approach on Pinterest, crafting 2 to 3 pins daily. This adjustment not only allowed for personalized and visually compelling pins but also aligned better with our keywords.

However, the road wasn’t all smooth sailing. I ran into some bumps like our website pages not showing up in search results and those annoying occasional errors popping up. And then there was the need for turbocharged page speed, and guess what? Image compression turned out to be a big player there. Plus, I realized mobile-friendliness was a must, aiming to close the gap between how well our pages performed on phones (64%) versus the slick 96% they rocked on desktops.

Strategy for the third month: 

Article Production: 

Aim to publish 50 articles, providing valuable information to our readers.

Optimize articles:

Optimize my previous article on a daily basis and indexed them again.

Social profile:

I start working on my social profiles on Facebook and also on Instagram.

Related Articles:

I start added related articles to my keywords. The purpose of adding the article is to gain the trust of Google.


 Acquire five high-quality backlinks through HARO and guest posting, strengthening our website’s authority.

What I Did this Month:


I am excited to tell you that we published 500 articles on our website, and all are informational articles. 

As above I told you that my pages are going to be non-indexed but I started optimization so gradually it again started being indexed. Out of 500 Articles, 461 articles were published.

How I Optimized My Articles:

Duplications Of Articles:

I wrote my all articles from As I told you that I published 500 articles, so there are duplications in content. As a result, Incorrect Page Versions are Displayed in Search Engine Results. Changes or declines in fundamental website metrics (such as traffic, ranking positions, or E-A-T criteria)

So I find those articles and deleted them. I also, redirect those pages to the home page

Same Intent:

There were a few articles which have the same intent. So I also worked on them.

SEO cannibalization has the potential to damage both your rankings and conversions. Therefore, it’s vital to swiftly pinpoint and address these issues.

 you target a keyword on multiple pages if the search intent is different. 


I Started On-Page SEO. In on-page SEO I forget to add the power words in my title which is my big mistake so, I started to add powered keywords because catching the eye word is important for users, where curiosity occurs the user is passionate about exploring things. From now to till I added 100 articles.

Internal Linking:

I used link whisper for internal linking as a result occurs in my articles 20 plus internal linking happened. Also, links on my Faqs and home I removed all those irrelevant links.

External Linking

I don’t start external linking in my articles. So I added reference Articles in 100 keywords.

When you add reference articles, Google crawler goes on that pages so they acknowledge this.

Social profiles:


I used to kick off each day on Quora by creating one post related to my articles, and also engaging with 2 to 3 comments on others’ posts and also add photos to them. This routine typically took around 30 minutes of my time.

  • Here you can see the insight of Quora:


On Pinterest, I used to add 2,3 daily pins. Some traffic coming on my pins.

  • Here is the result:

Here you can see the impression of Pinterest:

Now Coming Towards the Results:

Google Analytics:

Here you can see the Google search console Result of total indexed pages on Google.

  • Here you can see analytics of Google Search Console.

 Google Analytics:

Utilizing web analytics tools like Google Analytics provides detailed data on website visitors, page views, session duration, and other user engagement metrics.

  • Check the status of my website on Google Analytics


  • Now you can see the graph of organic keywords


You can see the result of Ahref:

Plan for the Fourth Month:

  • Content Plan:

My plan for the fourth month is to focus on the ranking of my keywords. Add everyday one article on the website.

My aim is to target low-difficulty keywords to increase their chances of ranking.

  • References:

Add a reference article to maximum keywords. So it’s included in external linking and shows google how your content is real.

  • Web stories And Social Sites 

I’m thinking of keeping things going strong by putting up web stories and sharing stuff on social media every single day. These web stories are kinda like stories that you can play with, they catch people’s interest and bring more folks to my site


To sum it up, “Slow Progress is better than NO Progress”.

By focusing on creating quality content, using web stories, posting regularly on social media, and implementing off-page SEO strategies, we can attract more visitors.

Now, as we step into the Fourth month, get ready for even more exciting updates and achievements.

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